Vaginal thrush is a problem that the majority of woman will suffer with at least once in their life. Vaginal thrush is a yeast infection caused by a certain type of yeast called Candida albicans. Candida albicans are yeast that is always present in and around the vagina. This is usually kept at the right level by your immune system and the good, healthy bacteria of the vagina. However, a change in the environment around the vagina can cause the levels to change, this results in more yeast being produced. In some people, this vaginal yeast infection can keep returning, this can be more than four times a year and is classified as a recurrent infection.
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The colonoscopy procedure is to examine the colon (large intestine) internally, they do this by using an instrument with a small camera called a colonoscope.
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A gynaecological laparoscopy procedure is used to view inside the abdomen and stomach, commonly used to investigate the ovaries, womb and fallopian tubes. A laparoscopy is a camera which is attached to a telescope, a small incision is made and the instrument is inserted. The surgeon can then easily see all the internal organs, pictures which will be sent to a television screen, so the images can be magnified and studied.
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Endometriosis symptoms are sometimes confused with other things and often goes unnoticed until it is in the later stages. Endrometriois is when cells similar to the ones that are in the lining of the womb grow on other organs for example, the ovaries. The cells have the same monthly development as the womb lining (endometrium) this can cause bleeding or swelling into one of the body cavities.
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Endometriosis treatment is different for each woman, and factors have to be taken into consideration Endometriosis treatment such as age, symptoms, future fertility options and treatments tried previously. More details: ndrugs.com. Endometriosis is a condition that has no cure, like most conditions it can be controlled with a variety of different methods dependant in each case.
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The majority of woman ovulate around day 14 of there menstrual cycle this is approximately two weeks before their next period is due. By the time, you discover you have missed your period your unborn baby is two weeks old.
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Genital warts caused by the papilloma virus (HPV), this infection is very common and there are over 100 known strains of this virus. Research shows that approximately 80% of this fall in to the category of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Certainstrains of the human papilloma virus that are the cause of genital warts are in the "high risk" category and can increase the chances of cervical cancer.
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It is important to know what the herpes virus and signs of herpes are, genital herpes are caused by the virus herpes simplex, there is commonly type 1 and type 2 of the simplex virus. Herpes type 1 is oral herpes, signs of herpes type 1 is in the form of cold sores. Herpes simplex type 2 is the cause for genital herpes and is referred to as a STD.
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