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Vaginal Dryness

>Vaginal Dryness & Menopause

One of the common symptoms of the menopause is thinning of the vaginal walls, and painful sex, this is usually due to vaginal dryness. The menopause signifies the end of a woman's fertility and the woman's body will start to prepare the ovaries to stop releasing eggs. The menopause is defined by a woman not having a period for a full twelve months. The menopause does not happen over night it can take a number of years. During this time and for some time after they may experience symptoms.

What causes vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is quite common and is due to the woman's body levels of estrogen being produced diminishing. Oestrogen is a group of hormones which produced by the ovaries these hormones are produced in a woman's body. It influences the female sexual features "for example" the breast development and the menstrual cycle. During the menstrual cycle estrogen levels are controlled so the body will know when to releases an egg for fertilization. Vaginal tissue relies on estrogen to keep it healthy, supple and moist. Even after the menopause the levels of estrogen will continue to drop even further. Vaginal dryness is a common symptom of the menopause although it is unreported by a third of women who suffer its affects.

Symptoms of vaginal dryness

The symptoms of menopausal vaginal dryness include:

Discomfort - woman can experience burning, the vagina or vulva can become sore and inflamed.

Pain during and after sex - this can happen because the vagina is smaller, drier and does not become as lubricated during sex as before the menopause.

Thinning of the vagina walls - walls of the vagina become thinner and less stretchy

Itching -Due to the skin around the vagina becoming more sensitive skin can become itchy.

Changes in discharge - may become more watery or slightly discoloured

Treatments for vaginal dryness

There are treatments available there are also lifestyle changes a woman can make to help with the symptoms.

Oestrogen Creams

Oestrogen treatments are available in different forms, sometimes it may be in a cream, vaginal ring or a pessary. This will help to restore oestrogen to the vagina and the tissue that surrounds the vagina. This is a popular option for women who do not wish to have HRT. It only provides Oestrogen to that part of the body rather than the whole body.


Lubricants are great to use for vaginal dryness during sexual intercourse. This is a remarkably terrific alternative for women who do not want to have Oestrogen creams. There are many types available and can be purchased from any chemist. For women who want to be discreet, there are online stores who will deliver.


There are moisturizers specially formulated for sensitive areas which again can be purchased at pharmacy's or online reputable companies. It is recommended that it is uses 2 to 3 times a week to help fight vaginal dryness. The moisturizer is a non hormonal treatment that should last for a couple of days. Lubricants need to be applied right before intercourse, some woman prefer to use the vaginal moisturizers as there is no need to apply before being intimate.

Make time for intercourse

It is essential to make time continue to have a sexual relationship with your partner, try making more time for foreplay.


This product which works in a similar way to estrogen creams and research has shown this to be an effective. Replans contain polycarbophil, which encourages the vagina to absorb water. It should be applied on and used everyday and not just when woman are planning to have intercourse.

Alternative medicines

Alternative medicines thought to help combat vaginal dryness include; : belladonna, bryonia, and lycopodium. It is significant too note that there is not actually any scientific evidence to support these claims, many woman has reported

Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is a nutritional supplements derived from a tall perennials plant which comes from the buttercup family. It is now widely used by women to treat symptoms of menopause such as vaginal dryness.