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Blood Type Diet Overview

blood type diet The blood type diet is a diet designed by a naturopathic doctor Peter D'Adamo, he believes the foods you eat should be determined by your blood type. The blood types are split in to four types A, B, AB, and O, his book "Eat Right for your Blood Type" explain how each blood type has built up antibodies to certain foods.

Principle of the Blood Type Diet

The blood types are split in to four groups A, B, AB, and O, a person's blood group are identified by the number antigens and antibodies found in the blood. Antigens are molecules of protein that are found on the surface of red blood cells, it is the bodies natural defense against foreign antigens. All foods contain a protein called lectin, and during digestion, these lectin proteins are realised from the food. D'Adamo believes that each blood type has built up specific antibodies against certain foods, therefore the individual's blood type determines with foods are healthy for them.

When food is being digested the protein lectins is released, and it enters in to the blood stream, some of the lectins can bind to the red blood cells, this can cause them to stick together. This process is medically referenced as agglutination, D'Adamo claims agglutination causes

  • stomach pains
  • Poor digestion
  • Diarrhoea
  • liver disease
  • kidney problems

The book Blood Type Diet has lists of foods that he claims are suitable for each of the blood types, it shows which foods should be avoided. Amongst his claims, it also suggest the blood type diet can not only improve overall health but can also help to achieve an ideal weight.

Blood type diet- What Each type should be eating

Blood Type diet O

Blood type O is the earliest blood type and believed to originate from the ancient hunter gathered, their diet mainly consisted of meat. The blood type O built up anti bodies against the lectins found in wheat and grains. A'Ddamo blood type diet recommends people with this blood type should stay with a diet similar to their ancestors. This means they should consume more meat and less of agricultural foods like grains.

Blood Type diet A

The next blood type to develop and evolve was Blood type A, due to environmental changes humans started to grow their own food rather than hunting for it. This meant that rather than a diet that consisted mainly of meat it contained more plants. The change in the diet changed the blood type and blood type A was evolved, antibodies began to build up against the lectins found in meats. Dr D'Adamo's book Eat Right 4 your Type recommends people with A type blood should benefit from having a vegetarian based diet.

Blood Type B diet

The next blood type that developed was the blood type B this is believed to be because ancient people migrated and adapted to the climate. Their diet was a mixture of both plants and,meat, the diets also stated too included dairy products. D'Adamo concluded that people with B type blood have fewer antibodies against lectins present in meat and grains. Dr D'Adamo also drew the conclusion that people with B type blood are more tolerant of dairy products than any other blood type.

Blood Type AB diet

Type AB blood is a lot more complex than the other types and not as common, it is thought that only 5% of the world's population have AB blood. D'Adamo describes the complex blood type as having many strengths but also many contradictions.

Blood type diet- Food groups

Dr D'Adamo splits all food types into 16 groups, they are as followed

  • Meat, poultry, chicken, seafood, fish and shellfish
  • Dairy products and eggs including- milk, yoghurt, ice cream, cheese
  • Oils and fats- any type of oils for example, linseed, peanut and sesame oils
  • Seeds and nuts- all types
  • Beans and legumes- any types of beans and peas
  • Cereals- Oats, corn, barley, rice etc.
  • Breads-any baked goods for example, muffins and bread loafs
  • Pasta and grains- all types of flour, all types of noodles and buckwheat etc.
  • Vegetables- any vegetables carrots, olives etc.
  • Fruit- all fruits including canned, dried fruits and fresh
  • Juices and fluid- fruit juices from concentrate and fresh fruit juice
  • Spices- all types of spices including both fresh and dried, syrups and any other sauces that do not contain dairy
  • Condiments- mustard, tomato sauce, jam, jellies and dressings
  • Herbal teas
  • Miscellaneous drinks- alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks and tea

In each of these food groups, there are certain foods, which encourage loss of weight, beneficial foods and foods which should be avoided. All these recommendations are dependant on the persons blood type, as an example for some blood types chicken is considered as a neutral food, but for another blood type it is on the avoid list. The book Eat Right 4 Your Type by D, Adamo has sample recipes and menus for each type of blood.

Blood type Diet for Rhesus negative

Every blood type is split in to rhesus negative and rhesus positive, this is known as the RH factor. People who contain antigens in the blood are RH positive and people who have don't have antigens are known as rhesus negative. According to D'Adamo studies it is thought the the RH factor does not affect the diet, so it does not mater whether it is positive or negative.

The benefits of the blood type diet

Following the blood type diet has different benefits dependant on your blood type

Blood type diet O

Weight loss

Prevention of clotting of the blood

Prevention of inflammatory diseases for example, arthritis, ulcers and asthma

Blood type diet A

Weight loss

Reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, anaemia, liver and gallbladder disorders and diabetes type 1

Blood Type Diet B

Weight loss

Reduced risk of diabetes type 1, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune disorders for example, lupus.

Blood type diet AB

  • Weight loss
  • reduced risk of developing heart disease, cancer and anaemia

Precautions of the blood type diet

There are things to consider before trying the blood type diet, it is always a good idea to speak to your GP and have a health check. Unbalanced diets can cause risks of deficiency and can affect your health, the blood type diet does not have enough scientific evidence to back its claims. For this reason, people doing the Blood type Diet especially with medical conditions will need to be monitored particularly carefully. People with certain diseases for example, diabetes or kidney disease may not be able to follow the blood type diet.