The colonoscopy procedure is to examine the colon (large intestine) internally, they do this by using an instrument with a small camera called a colonoscope.
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A gynaecological laparoscopy procedure is used to view inside the abdomen and stomach, commonly used to investigate the ovaries, womb and fallopian tubes. A laparoscopy is a camera which is attached to a telescope, a small incision is made and the instrument is inserted. The surgeon can then easily ...
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Endometriosis symptoms are sometimes confused with other things and often goes unnoticed until it is in the later stages. Endrometriois is when cells similar to the ones that are in the lining of the womb grow on other organs for example, the ovaries. The cells have the same monthly development as the womb ...
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Endometriosis treatment is different for each woman, and factors have to be taken into consideration such as age,symptoms, future fertility options and treatments tried previously. Endometriosis is a condition that has no cure, like most conditions it can be controlled with a variety of different methods dependant in each case ...
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Heartburn, regurgitation, and dyspepsia are a few of the most common acid reflux symptoms. Heartburn Heartburn is a burning pain in the chest or abdomen it can also move up into the throat, it is sometimes referred to as acid indigestion. Regurgitation Another common symptom of acid reflux is ...
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Anaemia is a deficiency in the body's level of iron caused by a reduction in the amount if the red blood cells. There are a number of different types of anaemia the most common cause being the lack of iron, but lack of foliate and B12 can also be the cause ...
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Anxiety is a natural response to fear, which may be compared to an alarm that is triggered off in the body causing a person to feel stressed or frightened. Everybody at some point in their life will experience anxiety, whether it stems from worrying about family issues, exams or meetings at work ...
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Bipolar condition used to be referred to as "manic depressive", people who suffer can have "extreme mood" swings even suicidal thoughts. For people who live with Bipolar condition it can cause significant shifts in mood, energy and thoughts. Ordinary mood swings are quite different to the ones experienced with someone who suffers from ...
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Healthy Living - Make A Start A big part of healthy living is to eat healthy people need to learn how to eat smartly. We all know the saying you are what you eat; attention needs to be paid to what foods we are choosing. Food needs to be enjoyable but at the same time provide the ...
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