There are some types of abortions that can be performed with minimal amounts of discomfort to the mother, while others require that the mother receive a local anesthetic before the abortion is performed. Abortions can be done as soon as the mother discovers she is pregnant right through until the fetus is full term...
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Checking you IUD is still in place A IUD will only protect you from unwanted pregnancies if it is properly in place. The first few months are the most likely time it will be expelled from the body, in addition to this your monthly period also creates a risk of movement. For these reasons, it ...
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An Intrauterine device known as IUD for short, the IUD contraceptive is used to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancies. The IUD contraceptive is a small device usually made from copper and plastic. The IUD contraceptive will be placed into the uterus (womb), it used to be referred to as the coil or loop ...
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The symptoms of early menopause are a natural part of aging that changes that take place are not only physical, but also physiological. The early signs of menopause vary from woman to woman, not all symptoms are experienced. The early stages of menopause are referred to as being in a stage ...
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Menopause is the natural process that a woman's body goes through. The body starts to prepare itself to end fertility and no longer release eggs from the ovaries. During this process, the levels of hormones will change, and certain symptoms can occur especially in the perimenopause stage ...
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Menopause is a natural part of the aging process, this is caused by changes that take place physiologically and physically. Menopause signs are different from woman to woman, for some they experience many symptoms others display none apart from a cease in the menstrual cycle. The early stages of menopause are known as ...
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The menopause is a natural process which affects woman both physically and mentally. It is the stage in life where a woman's body slowly begins to prepare itself to stop releasing eggs from the ovaries. This stage is referred to as perimenopause, the body starts to produce less of the hormones associated ...
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One of the common symptoms of the menopause is thinning of the vaginal walls, and painful sex, this is usually due to vaginal dryness. The menopause signifies the end of a woman's fertility and the woman's body will start to prepare the ovaries to stop releasing eggs. The menopause is defined ...
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Ovulation Cycle & Pregnancy Ovulation is the release of an an egg that has matured in the follicle that has developed inside the ovary. When girls are born they will have all the eggs for her entire life already, they are stored in the ovary's. Each egg has is very own sac referred ...
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The difference between may be confusing Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast infections such as thrush can have very similar symptoms. The cause is completely different, and for this reason, the treatment required is different ...
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An ovarian cyst is a sac filled with fluid that develops in a woman's ovaries, most of the time ovarian cyst symptoms are not present and rarely cancerous. Some ovarian cyst symptoms can cause painful or irregular bleeding but do not often need treatment as they go away on there own ...
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Vaginal thrush is a problem that the majority of woman will suffer with at least once in their life. Vaginal thrush is a yeast infection caused by a certain type of yeast called Candida albicans. Candida albicans are yeast that is always present in and around the vagina. This is usually kept at ...
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Chlamydia trachomatis is a sexually transmitted disease which is spread through sexual contact. This is on of the common STi's that is spread through vaginal or anal intercourse. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease (STI) this term is used rather than sexually transmitted disease. Chlamydia trachomatis can infect a person without is causing ...
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Genital warts caused by the papilloma virus (HPV), this infection is very common and there are over 100 known strains of this virus. Research shows that approximately 80% of this fall in to the category of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Certainstrains of the human papilloma virus that are the cause ...
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This STI (sexually transmitted infection) is easily treatable if caught early, symptoms of gonorrhea are not always present especially in woman. Named gonorrhea because it is caused by the bacterium Neissesria gonorrheal. This STD affects both men and woman, in a woman it can infect the cervix, urethra, throat, anus and rectum. Statistics show that ...
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Signs of herpes It is important to know what the herpes virus and signs of herpes are, genital herpes are caused by the virus herpes simplex, there is commonly type 1 and type 2 of the simplex virus. Herpes type 1 is oral herpes, signs of herpes type 1 is in the form of cold ...
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Herpes treatment is different depending on whether you have the infection for the first time known as a primary infection, or if it is a reoccurant outbreak. There is no actual cure for HSV (human simplex virus) despite many claims from companies there is no real expert medical evidence. There are medicines that ...
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The severity of herpes symptoms can vary from person to a person with the first outbreak usually being the worst ...
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STD- sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are passed on through sexual contact from person to person. An STD can be spread to another person through vaginal intercourse or anal intercourse. Sexually transmitted diseases are contracted from someone who has a disease passing it on by bodily fluids such as ...
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